Our School House Systems
NLDHS provides a plethora of opportunities to every child for his / her holistic development. The school is divided into sub-units called ‘houses’ and each student is allocated to one house at the time of enrolment. We have four houses in our school. These houses are named after the five elements of universe namely Air, Water, Earth, Fire, and Ether.
Agni (Red)
Agni variously denotes the natural element of fire. It is a symbol of piety. The red colour symbolizes force, and energy.

Jal (Blue)
The symbolism of Jal has a universal undertone of purity and fertility. The blue colour is associated with loyalty, confidence and calmness.
Prithvi (Yellow)
This element of Prithvi symbolizes physical sensation and growth. The yellow is the colour of Sunshine and is associated with progress, joy and intellect.

Vayu (White)
The element of Vayu is a powerful teacher and divination tool. The colour white represents a successful beginning, stands for purity, innocence and perfection.
The element of space (Ether) is the celestial energy that helps in binding these elements to ensure cohesiveness. Ether plays an important role in these well-known phenomena of blending the remaining colours into its own and marching ahead progressively. This element is represented by School Captain and School vice Captains.