Dr. Seema Saini – M.A.-Eco., MS.-HRD (USA), Ph.D
With an enriching experience of more than 30 years in the Education sector, Mrs. Seema Saini leads the Institution both as C.E.O. of N. L. Dalmia Educational Society and Principal, N. L. Dalmia High School. Her wisdom and knowledge contributes to the holistic development of the children. She strives to establish a climate which fosters a broader set of skills and competencies in children and also develops their composite personality.
Mrs. Saini lays great emphasis on the professional growth of the teachers as it directly impacts the quality of education. She ensures that teachers get an opportunity for professional development which not only enhances their knowledge but also trickles down to the students through teaching, learning process.
The School is provided leadership, direction and coordination for continual improvement in the teaching learning process. The programmes and practices implemented by Mrs. Saini has supported a high degree of student morale and successfully met the developmental and learning needs of the children.
MA (Eco), MS (HRD) – Xavier Univ., Cincinnati (USA)