Our Labs
The NLDHS campus has laboratories especially designed for the students to enhance their observation skills & analysis of experiments. These labs help them apply their theoretical knowledge in hands-on experiments.
We also have subject oriented labs with the latest apparatus for a better understanding of theoretical concepts.
Science Labs
The physics, chemistry & biology labs are well designed and equipped with the latest apparatus. This equipment allows the students to interact with the raw data. These labs are also furnished with projectors and 46” LCD Monitors.
We believe when the children observe & experiment their reasoning skills are honed and they think the question and understand.
Computer Labs
Our computer labs are planned, keeping in mind the user’s objective. We have designed separate labs for Primary & Secondary children. These labs have 40HPi5-2nd generation computers with TFT monitors and 4GB extended memory connected by LAN. The Secondary section, computers are equipped with internet access.
We strictly abide by the computer ratio of 1:1 to ensure a fruitful hands-on learning experience.
Other Labs
The other subject labs of the School are:
Mathematics Lab
The mathematical lab provides our students the platform to experiment & explore patterns and ideas. The equipment in the Lab is used by the students to learn & to develop an interest in Mathematics.
Social Science Lab
Our social science lab is well equipped with equipment, apparatus like maps, globes, charts, models, etc. The constant reference to these tools makes learning effective, lively and interesting.